Illustration and Visual Narrative - Project 2 - Decisive Moment

Aishath Lene Abdulla Amir (0333185)
Illustration and Visual Narrative

Week 6

On this week we discussed for our next project with is called decisive moment. We have to create a poster based on a moment in time that changed a narrative for the better or worse. It could be a narrative from any published media like a movie or a book or even a video game.  We are supposed to capture a unique fleeting moment that involves movement and action. Create a sophisticated background to the subject that interacts both visually and psychologically with the subject in a synergistically meaningful figure/ground relationship. Ms. Anis mentioned that it would be preferable , while choosing the moment, that we don't choose the decisive moment from the climax, but better if we choose another part that was impactful. 

Project 2 - Decisive Moment

Figure 1.0 - Decisive Moment - 08/05/2021

Week 6
On this week I did research for a decisive moment from any popular media.  The decisive moment that I chose to design and animate is from a movie called, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. I watched this movie a long time ago and to this day, I still remember details of the movie because of how morbid it was for me. I took a screen grab of the movie that I wanted to present as the decisive moment.

Figure 1.1 - Decisive Moment - 08/05/2021

Week 7
On this week my primary goal was to design the poster in a way that really captured the story behind this movie, but in a subtle manner. 
To summarise what happens in this decisive moment is that the man (Joel) in this scene is hooked on to a machine that is used to clinically erase his memories of this relationship with Clementine.
This is where I began to sketch out this scene so I would know where to go from there.
Initially in these sketches I had added the features on his face but it felt too detailed for a poster like this.

Figure 1.2 - Outline - 15/05/2021

Figure 1.3 - Outline - 15/05/2021

After making the outline of the poster. I wanted to include a part of the movie that is quite popular. 

Figure 1.4 - Decisive Moment - 15/05/2021

I used this moment as a part of the background.

Figure 1.5 - Background - 15/05/2021

Week 8
After the final design of the poster is finalized I colored the poster.  I forgot to take screen grabs of the process and this is the final outcome of the poster.

Figure 1.6 -  First draft - 20/05/2021

The next step and the primary objective is to animate the decisive moment. My goal in this step was to achieve the feeling of  Joel's memories Clementine, being erased.

Figure - 1.7 - GIF Animation Process - 20/05/2021

First Draft

Figure - 1.8 - First Draft - 20/05/2021

Week 9
After I got some feedback, from Mr. Kannan, I had to bring some changes to my poster, as he mentioned that most posters are usually portrait instead of landscape. He also showed me some ways in which I can improve / edit for my final poster gif.

Figure - 1.9 - Poster - 28/05/2021

Final Outcome

After this I reattempted the animation for the poster just as how I did in the first draft.

Figure - 1.10 - Final outcome - 28/05/2021
To summarize what happens in this decisive moment is, the man (Joel) in this scene is attached to a machine to undergo a procedure that is used to clinically erase his memories of this relationship with Clementine. Then he slowly begins to forget the woman he once loved.


Week 6 
Ms. Anis mentioned that it would be preferable , while choosing the moment, that we don't choose the decisive moment from the climax, but better if we choose another part that was impactful. 

Week 7
No specific feedback

Week 8
No specific feedback

Week 9
Mr. Kannan mentioned that most posters are usually portrait instead of landscape. He also showed me some ways in which I can improve /edit for my final poster gif. He told me that I should add the title to the poster as well as change the colour of the background. 


I really enjoyed the process of this project. I really liked how we got to choose so broadly in terms of different media. Moreover, I learned a lot in terms of illustrator and photoshop. The only thing I wish I had done was using a Wacom to sketch this out. It would have been really good practice for me. Although I am still quite new to it and it would have taken me forever to do this project. Other than that I am really happy with the way that my final animation turned out. I feel like it does represent the movie well without giving out too much.


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